Tag: Famous Quotes

QUOTE: President Barack Obama

“We have a stake in one another … what binds us together is greater than…

QUOTE: Rudy Giuliani

“In choosing a president, we really don’t choose a Republican or Democrat, a conservative or…

QUOTE: Maya Angelou

“You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal….

N Boutique T-shirt says “Harlem is the new Black”

By HarlemGal N Harlem New York is starting their pre-publicity for its fall opening on…

N Boutique T-shirt says "Harlem is the new Black"

By HarlemGal N Harlem New York is starting their pre-publicity for its fall opening on…

Previous Quotes

“For Africa to me… is more than a glamorous fact.  It is a historical truth. …