Where can I find Patti LaBelle’s Sweet Potato Pie in Harlem?
We don’t know. We hear it’s only available at Walmart. C’mon Patti give Harlem some love!
In any event, thank you to Michael J. Feeney for bringing ALL OF IT to our attention through his reporting via social media. Make sure to watch the video below.
Everyone needs a good laugh, and the pies are really good. We hope you get your hands on a Patti Pie for this Thanksgiving. If you do make sure to share your story.
Patti LaBelle gave a call to the man whose review of her sweet potato pie rocked the Internet.
Source: Patti LaBelle Calls The Man Who Made Her Sweet Potato Pie Go Viral
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Patti I live in Harlem. ..a matter of fact I’m five blocks away from the Apollo theatre ! We want to taste this sweet potatoe pie that everyone is raving about !
! My family is from the South ! and we are Not enthused by the very overrated Pumpkin pie ! Harlem hasn’t regentrified completely ! There are still alot of us here of Southern descent! and its all about the Sweet Potato. Peach cobblers or apple, banana pudding, pineapple coconut cake, chocolate layer cake, bread pudding..pecan pie..and Sweet Potato pie ! There are no Pumpkins involved in our deserts. We will pass up a pumpkin pie for a sweet potatoe pie anyday.
Oh and by the way, we are also big money spenders , great consumers!