By HarlemGal for HarlemCondoLife
Update: Thanks to a reader of HarlemCondoLife the film crew in front of Mojo Monday night was in fact American Express. We also contacted Amex. According to Joanna Lambert, a spokesperson with Amex, she said in an email “they were filming in Harlem yesterday for an exciting project they will be launching in the coming weeks – stay tuned.” Interesting! Mojo is already raking in the film credits. Good for them. And hopefully Amex will keep HarlemCondoLife posted on their project!
One never knows what they will see while walking the streets of Harlem. On Monday evening, Austin2Harlem,our guest blogger and now photographer, was running errands and this is the action he saw happening in front of Mojo, one of the hottest restaurants in Central Harlem. Looks like Mojo is the backdrop for some filming or could it be the star attraction? Hmm…diganos!
Thank you for providing the link to the video for all readers. We acknowledged your efforts in a recent post. Many thanks!
Click on video 2
Thanks Liz. Based on your comments, you have seen the final commercial? If so, let us know where we can view it. We would love to complete our post by showing our readers the final product!
It is a great commercial featuring Mojo and the Lt. from Law and Order SVU
Triple C you are correct. It was American Express. Their Corporate PR office confirmed the information today to HCL.
Thanks so much Triple C
I heard it was an AMEX commercial..