DC Comics Hero (now) lives in Harlem

This from the NY Daily News:

Harlem never had its own costumed protector with his very own comic book – until now. Last week, DC Comics’ “Static Shock” #1 hit the stands, introducing African-American teen-turned-electromagnetism-wielding superhero Virgil Hawkins.
Static was originally based in the fictional Midwestern city of Dakota. But DC Comics, after acquiring the character a few years ago, decided to reboot the hero with a more gritty, realistic setting.

“Static’s adventures take him all over New York City and elsewhere,” said series co-writer John Rozum. “[But] Virgil and his family live in Harlem, his school’s in Harlem and, as he makes friends, they’ll all be in Harlem as well, so this will really be his neighborhood and the background of his life.”

Created by Dwayne McDuffie, whose sudden death this year shocked the industry, Static was meant to bring a little more color into the predominantly white world of caped crusaders.

“If the name Harlem becomes all it is and it doesn’t delve deeply into the neighborhood and the characters, then it won’t work,” said comic book historian William H. Foster 3rd. “But let’s give him a shot. The character has such depth; I think this has the opportunity to be a fitting tribute to Dwayne’s legacy.”

Buy On Amazon: The DC Comics Encyclopedia, Updated and Expanded Edition

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/uptown/2011/09/07/2011-09-07_dc_comics_reboots_static_shock_putting_african_american_teen_hero_in_harlem.html#ixzz1XfH9q89s

Author: tharealharlemista