Hurricane Sandy Damage In Harlem On FDB – The Gateway Tower


Hurricane Sandy The Gateway Tower HarlemCondoLife Harlem Condo Life
The Gateway Tower

The Gateway Tower on Frederick Douglass Boulevard between 113th and 114th Street was hit by the hard hurricane winds of Sandy and their green awning collapsed.  A couple of the unit owners and doormen of the building secured it down during the storm with rope so that it wouldn’t get damaged or hurt any passers by.  Right next door to The Gateway is Harlem Food Bar and Frederick Cafe Bistro which the awning runs along as well.

We are told there was roof damage from hurricane sandy to a couple of the penthouse terraces and metal siding at the Gateway Tower as well.   I’m sure many other building here in Harlem have damages from the storm.  Hopefully no major collapses and damages came from the 90 mph winds.

Author: harlemhouse