Lights at Jackie Robinson Park Blaze During Day, But Go Out at Night

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by Dartunorro Clark — </div>
Complaints made for more than a year have fallen on deaf ears, a park neighbor said. <div> <img src=”” alt=”” width=”300″ height=”225″></div> HARLEM — In Jackie Robinson Park, the lights only come on in the middle of the day. At night, they go out. And a resident says he’s spent more than a year slogging through “incompetent” bureaucratic channels within the city trying to get lighting issues fixed — but says officials consistently turn a deaf ear. Neighbor Richard Berkowitz reached out to the Parks Department initially in April 2015 to inform the city that three to four light posts lining the park, which stretches from West 145th to West 155th streets between Edgecombe and Bradhurst Avenues, had several dead bulbs. As of last week, he said the only change at the park was for the worse — after officials apparently flipped the lights timer to illuminate the lights at the park during the day and turn them off at night. “It puts the city at risk and God forbid somebody would get hurt in the park in part due to the…