It has been a couple of months since our last update on One Morningside Park , the new condominium development on West 110th Street and Manhattan Avenue. Comments are still coming in (both good and not so good) on previous posts while this building continues to go up at lightening speed. Below is a photo of the building (framed by orange line) from the North side angle looking downtown and towards the West. As you can see it is already a part of lower Harlem’s skyline. I believe from our previous posts, it will rise a total of 22 floors upon completion. That is the “Ariel” on Broadway showing in the background which is a soaring 37 floors.
A Broker (friend to HarlemCondoLife) informed us that he recently went to a courtesy preview of the building and they are going to have 69 units many with outdoor space and dirct views of Morningside Park and Central Park. The sales office will be open officially in late August. Stay tuned for future developments on One Morningside Park here at