Ben & Jerry’s has launched a campaign for New Yorkers to help create and vote on a “NYC-centric” flavor. The company offers choices for possible base flavors and ingredients, including options from local vendors like Liddabit Sweets, Spoonable Caramels and Sixpoint Brewery.
Per the Gothamist, “They are using several ways to select re are several ways ir ambitious selection system includes tracking subway trains that arrive at the station on time (HA!) to decide between waffle cone pieces or Spoonable Caramel; tallying up baskets at a pickup basketball game on West 4th Street for brownies versus marshmallows; and photos tagged on Instagram as #highline or #centralpark for Littlebit Sweets or Yellow Cake Pieces. They’ll also mark recycling bins with caramel and fudge for a “Spoon Ballot” when their Scoop Truck parks around town.”
Bring a little bit of Harlem into the mix by participating in the voting and letting them know you are from Harlem where ever possible.
In fact, we would love for Ben and Jerry’s to create a flavor of Harlem’s own and consider including ingredients we love.
With that in mind please send us your suggestions for flavors or ingredients using the following hashtags on Twitter or Instagram:
Suggest a name for a specific flavor:
(EXAMPLE – Replace “A Train To Harlem” with whatever you like)
I just named @benandjerrys #ChurnedbyNY flavor “A Train To Harlem” | Churn your city’s flavor at via @HarlemHCL
Suggest an ingredient for any flavor:
(EXAMPLE – Replace “Red Velvet Cake” with whatever you like)
I suggested ingredient for @benandjerrys #ChurnedbyNY “Red Velvet Cake” | Churn your city’s flavor at via @HarlemHCL
The online polls stay open until July 14th.
For more info:
So now we’ll be doing the Harlem Milkshake