Heard it through the grapevine, One Morningside Park is already 40% sold. A lot of showings are happening with brokers and clients for this condominium complex. See our numerous previous posts for detailed information on our Harlem Real Estate Menu. One Morningside is located on 110th Street and Manhattan Avenue in South Harlem. Many contracts are out and 1 to 3 bedrooms have already been snatched up by eager buyers.
The sales office is now open by appointment only, to look at available floorplans for sale. We can provide additional information if you’re interested, here at HarlemCondoLife. Contact us via email at HarlemCondoLife@gmail.com. A friend of our blog just purchased a one bedroom one bath unit. The fixtures and design looked quite nice and the site has a feature where you can see what the expected view will be from the unit you are interested in.
Here are recent pictures taken yesterday of One Morningside Park. They have a ways to go but the structure is now fully erected. They expect to be finished by January 2014. Stay tuned for more on One Morningside Park.

I’m sure there are many more listings that will be posted. A lot of times they release certain units for sale at a time, and later release more, just like 5th on The Park did.
They must have more listings than this? Their website only shows 10 units for sale not in contract.