Quote: Asimbonanga – Soweto Gospel Choir

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Shoppers in a Johannesburg Woolworth experience Soweto Gospel Choir flashmob – many of whom posed as workers – to perform Asimbonanga (We have not seen him), a call for freedom written during Mandela’s incarceration in prison.

The lyrics are as follows:

Asimbonanga [we have not seen him]
Asimbonang’ uMandela thina [we have not seen Mandela]
Laph’ekhona [in the place where he is]
Laph’ehleli khona [in the place where he is kept]
Asimbonang ‘umfowethu thina [we have not seen our brother]
Laph’ekhona [in the place where he is]
Laph’wafela khona [in the place where he died]
Sithi: Hey, wena [We say: hey, you]
Hey, wena nawe [Hey, you and you]
Siyofika nini la’ siyakhona [when will we arrive at our destination]

Author: HarlemGuy

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