Harlem based battery startup featured in Scientific American

Urban Electric Power is a Harlem based battery startup located 10 blocks from City College and which has received funding from the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Energy (ARPA–E).

The company hopes to turn the familiar alkaline battery into a cheap way to store the electricity from massive wind farms.

What sets Urban Electric apart from other similarly focussed startups is the safety of the underlying materials, which are not caustic, volatile or otherwise dangerous.  

Urban Electric and other like startups funded by ARPA-E a trying to build a big battery costing less than $100 per kilowatt-hour of storage which would lower the cost of stored making it more available.  Says Urban Electric:  “Storage gives you massive flexibility,” Moniz notes, adding that it can help improve reliability and resilience as well by providing backup power. “The issue has been the cost.”

For more details:  http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=alkaline-batteries-for-renewable-energy-storage-at-urban-electric-power


Author: HarlemGuy

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