Tarp down at Frederick Douglass Circle

By HarlemGal
From this photo it looks like our circle at the intersection of 110th Street and Frederick Douglass Blvd is ready with the exception of the sculpture! All I can say is “it’s about time” and as a Harlemite I am ready to visit the circle!

Author: Harlem Condo Life

4 thoughts on “Tarp down at Frederick Douglass Circle

  1. As of this morning, they had the cover off of the statue (quite handsome) and appeared to be doing some finishing touches. The concrete barriers / fencing still encircled the place.

  2. Elizabeth,
    We have heard dribs and drabs of information that the dedication could take place sometime in the Fall. As soon as we know the exact date, we will pass along.


  3. When will the actual dedication of the Frederick Douglass statue and circle take place???

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