Public Service Message: You still have time to sign up for Obamacare

Share the three ways to signup for Obamacare today

 A public service message from  Please share this with friends, family neighbors whether or not they live in Harlem.

More than six million people have enrolled since October 1.1 Tens of millions more have seen other benefits like being able to stay on their parents’ plan or get covered with a pre-existing condition. The percentage of Americans without health insurance is the lowest it’s been in five years.2 In other words: it’s working.

MoveOn members fought our hearts out to get the Affordable Care Act passed as a step closer to quality, affordable health care for every American, and we continue to fight to make sure it gets fully implemented. That’s why we’re aggressively campaigning to expand Medicaid in the more than 20 red states that refuse to do so, leaving millions more Americans without affordable health care.

But in the meantime, there’s still time to make sure that your friends and family who don’t have health insurance sign up for Obamacare.

Share this with everyone you know because you may not even know which of the people in your life don’t have health insurance. If everyone you know sees this before tonight’s deadline, they’ll be one step closer to having affordable health care.


Author: HarlemGuy

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