Be Inspired: Bill Powell

By HarlemGuy

A read a story today which I found inspiring and which I’d like to share.  While not about Harlem per se, it evokes the spirit of Harlem.   Namely to strive for and realize that which seems improbable or impossible.   Or to quote Bill Powell who passed away this week:

“Stand firm.

Never give up.

Never give in.

Believe in yourself,

even when others don’t.”

There are millions of inspiring stories.  Each one is uniquely important.  Each one matters.  Each one can make or change a life.   Each one deserves to be shared.   Heard.  Celebrated.   

Finding or making the time to do so is challenging.   Which is precisely why I’d like to take a moment from time to time to share such stories with you our readers.   So that we may remain inspired about the impossible.  The improbable.   The achievable.

With the above in mind please take a moment to be inspired by Bill Powell as well as the song “Black Man” by Stevie Wonder.

Author: HarlemGuy