By HarlemCondoLife
There seems to be plenty of condo activity happening along our favorite boulevard in Harlem, i.e. Frederick Douglass Blvd!
We received notice, along with every other site, that 2280 FDB, a new residential development in Harlem, has been FHA approved. Yeah! Good for them.
Then as you walk south, you will see a new condo being built right on the intersection of West 121st Street and St. Nicholas and FDB (triangle intersection). This space is now getting dressed with glass.
And then a few more blocks down, you will see that the netting has come down on the Park Central Condo and a phone number is posted for those that want to inquire.
Those few blocks along FDB from 119th to 123rd are shaping up to be very nice. And of course, those that decide to move to this area of Harlem are expected to have a new cafe close by called Triangle Cafe. Nice!