By HarlemHouse
This Photo and info just sent in to us at HCL by a reader. I quote:
“The shuffle of businesses continues on the east side of FDB between 116 and 117! Looks like a Chinese restaurant is slated to fill the spot left by the dry cleaner’s move to the ex-Winery location.”
Stay tuned for more information as it develops.
Thank you for the tip!
I agree with Joe. Would love a Thai restaurant here in the nabe so I don’t have to trek Thai Market.
Yawn. Was hoping for something a little bit more exciting and new 🙁
A Wendy’s is slated to upon right next to the half demolished Corn Exchange building on 125th Street & Park Avenue.
When will the Thai restaurants that have multiplied from Hell’s Kitchen up the Upper West Side and into Morningside Heights finally make an appearance in Harlem?
Wendy’s – Taco Bell??? What R you thinking?? LOL
Seriously, I heard a Wendy’s will be opening on 125th St. I don’t know exactly where but it will be within our area.
oh no, watch out Dragon!
Can we get a Wendy’s or Taco Bell soon?
If it’s good, this would be really nice.
We are getting quite a line-up of great places to eat on FDB. I wonder what’s happening with the restaurant between112th/113th. Tables & chairs are in – but nothing much is going on there.