Tag: business
Help Rebuild Urban Garden Center in East Harlem
harlemhouse March 17, 2014
Those of us here at HarlemCondoLife were deeply saddened to learn that Urban Garden Center…
Wine is back at 2235 Frederick Douglass Blvd
tharealharlemista May 7, 2013
Out of the ashes of the FDB wineshop pioneer Harlem Vintage comes…….. Vintage Harlem. Under…
QUOTE: Marcus Samuelsson
harlemcondolife February 24, 2013
“You’ve heard me say that black people had to work really hard to get out…
Harlem Tavern to open next week
Harlem Condo Life June 24, 2011
By HarlemGal for HarlemCondoLife UPDATE: Harlem Tavern is having a soft opening this coming Wednesday,…
Bad Horse Pizza riding into Harlem to some extent unknown
Harlem Condo Life February 1, 2011
By HarlemGal I noticed over the weekend that we had a new twitter follower called…
Harlem business owners unite in The Power of One
Harlem Condo Life November 28, 2009
By HarlemGal One is not the loneliest number that you’ll ever choose, according to several…