Part Four: Spring temptations test NYLean25 April challenge

Our series continues with our HCL reader taking the NYLean25 April Challenge on behalf of In this diary entry. she reports how temptation to eat sweets was at every corner.
Dear HarlemCondoLife,
I am in the home stretch of my NYLean25 April challenge. It’s been going great. 20110425-120905.jpg
However, there are times when its tough. For example, when temptation creeps up right under you at the work place.
Recently, I resisted doughnuts in the office kitchen. Later, a co-worker actually came in to my office with the box to offer me one. I mean, really?!? It wasn’t easy, but I declined. I felt skinnier just for doing that!

However, doughnuts were not the only problem. The other day I resisted the feast on the table in our office kitchen. There were all sorts of fatty sandwiches and cookies and brownies. There was also the catered kid’s birthday party. My god-daughter’s outing was at Dylan’s Candy Bar in the Upper East side (I must admit I did have a few starburst) and then
there have been several Spring work functions with lots of tempting foods and drinks. The temptations really never end! These are not the foods on the NYLean25 diet for sure! I’m not saying I never give in, but if I had it my way, I’d be noshing on a lot more junk food. I have to be honest!

Given all this temptation, I am…well…tempted to have all those things that are not good for me. I need some help readers! How does one resist temptation to cheat on one’s diet? My training and diet with NYLean25 is going very well, but there are so many things that can throw me off. My new motto is WWRD (What would Robert, the trainer and founder of NYLEAN25, do? He would not eat the doughnuts that’s for sure!
Follow Harlem Condo Life on twitter @HarlemHCL 
Author: Harlem Condo Life

3 thoughts on “Part Four: Spring temptations test NYLean25 April challenge

  1. It is soooo hard to resist temptation. I swear the last two years I’ve given up cakes/cookies and all that stuff for Lent and it’s like everyone decides that they have to bring in donuts or coffee cake. What the hell!!?? And all the candy and chocolate at work doesn’t help either. I totally understand your frustration!

  2. Try burning the calories before you eat them you might think twice about having a bite

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