By HarlemGal
I was walking toward the 2/3 subway line along Central Park North recently and saw that the corner building on Central Park North and Adam Clayton Powell had brand new windows installed and what also appeared to be new air conditioning units. There is scaffolding around and ton of permits on the door. Those are clear signs of a makeover and the building looks vacant! Does anyone know the scoop?
For those that don’t know this Harlem area or do, this spot is absolutely a primo location-in my view. It’s a well-sized corner building right across the street from our famous Central Park. The building has to have some decent park views. Well…whatever is going on there, HarlemGal wishes she had a small fortune, some extra dinero, etc. I would totally go shopping there for another Harlem casita! If you know what’s going on, tell us!
I’ve been watching this building everyday with more excitement, I am so dissapointed to hear it won’t be available to the general public such an amazing location!
Thanks for the comments. I am surprised that this building is not going condo or coop. However, I am in favor of economic diversity. That’s what is so great about Harlem.
We will continue to monitor the developments of this building. Too hot of a location not to!
It’s will be a HDFC.
The owner of Demolition Depot on 125th & 2nd told me he salvaged a bunch of old woodwork from this building. The building is being renovated by the City for affordable housing. Possibly HPD I guess?
I’ve been watching this building for a while. The scaffolding just came down. Anybody know if it will be condos or rentals, and who’s handling it?