Upcoming Events at Art in FLUX Harlem

the new “movement” dedicated to highlighting and exposing Harlem artists to the community utilizing vacant neighborhood spaces has forwarded us their event schedule for the rest of this month
Art in FLUX Harlem * June 2012 Events

Discussions & Street Photo Workshop

Artist’s 3rd Tuesday Roundtable:

Tuesday, June 19th, 6:30 – 7:30 PM

Local artist, Ellen Hackle Fagan, is the facilitator for a creative dialogue among musicians, dancers, visual artists, historians, and foodies on the 3rdTuesday of each month at Art In FLUX Harlem

Each month one or two artists open the discussion by talking about their work and then open up the dialogue to the group. These early discussions are focusing on the dominant motifs and myths within the culture from which the artist’s works stems. Ellen initiated this theme beginning with her own ColorSoundGrammar series in which she builds a connection in abstract paintings between color and sound, inviting a balance between randomness and intention. Our aim with these monthly artist roundtables is to foster community among local artists and practitioners, as they brainstorm and bridge varying disciplines through a common language.

Location:  Art In FLUX Harlem, 1961 Adam Clayton Powell Blvd. @ 118th Street, Harlem, NYC

RSVP to Attend:  info@artinfluxharlem.com or 646-340-4379

STREET Community Discussion:

Thursday, June 21st, 5:30 – 8:30 PM, Panel discussion starts at 6:30

Art in FLUX Harlem is hosting a panel and Q & A with a guest moderator and artists from the current exhibition titled, STREET. The discussion, starting at 6:30, will examine the topic of our vulnerability on the street.   STREET curated by Erin Goldberger, explores through what individuals face on the street each day and how we can be vulnerable, exposed, or targeted. Through photography, painting, sculpture, and written word, STREET portrays the seen and unseen that occurs on the streets on a daily basis.  The artists capture or create people in vulnerable states and illuminate an unknown world. Simple pleasures, daily tasks, or inalienable rights like eating, working, and playing can result in the possibility of being attacked, physically harmed or emotionally abused.

Works by Eileen Burgess, Ruben Natal-San Miguel, Matt Siffert, Bayete Ross Smith, Jonathan Elliot, Jay Miriam, and Edward Hillel – on view through June 28.


Location:  Art In FLUX Harlem, 1961 Adam Clayton Powell Blvd. @ 118th Street, Harlem, NYC

RSVP to Attend:  info@artinfluxharlem.com or 646-340-4379

Photo Workshop:

Saturday & Sunday, June 23rd and 24th, 11:00AM – 1:00PM

Art in FLUX Harlem is offering a two-day photography workshop, ages 12 – adult, led by STREET curator Erin Goldberger.

On the first day, the group will start by discussing what STREET photography is, the basics are for taking a great STREET photo, and taking a look at STREET photography icons. Students will then try their hand by walking around Harlem and taking photographs on the STREET, guided by Erin and another guest photographer. On the second day, students will study their developed photographs as a group and will be guided through the process of critique.

$15 per person or $25 for two. Disposable cameras and processing included.

Location:  Art In FLUX Harlem, 1961 Adam Clayton Powell Blvd. @ 118th Street, Harlem, NYC

RSVP Required:  info@artinfluxharlem.com or 646-340-4379

Art In FLUX Harlem

STREET exhibit / Gallery Hours through June 28:

Tues-Sat noon-7pm

Sun noon-5pm (closed June 17)

For More Information:




photo by Ruben Natal-San Miguel

Author: tharealharlemista

1 thought on “Upcoming Events at Art in FLUX Harlem

  1. I love this cat and what he has done for my community. You don’t have to be from Harlem to BE Harlem.

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