Best Yet Market grand opening in pictures

By HarlemGal for HarlemCondoLife
If you did not have a chance to swing by Best Yet Market, located at 118th and Frederick Douglass Blvd., today for their grand opening…not to worry. Fellow HarlemCondoLife blogger, Austin2Harlem, walked by and photographed the ceremonial event!

Several VIPs attended and ABC’s Channel 7 was present. The most notable VIP was Congressman Charlie Rangel, and of course Mr. Best too! Rangel said the new supermarket created 100 plus jobs and other speakers emphasized that Harlem is now getting quality, healthy food at low prices, including fresh produce, meat and fish.

HCL would like to add that Karrott at 117th and FDB and Organic Forever at 112th and FDB offer Harlemites healthy food options as well for reasonable prices.

This concludes the Best Yet blogging saga. May we all go forward now and shop and dine at all our local Harlem businesses! Stay tuned for a post about Chez Lucienne and upcoming films at El Museo del Barrio!

Author: Harlem Condo Life

3 thoughts on “Best Yet Market grand opening in pictures

  1. Well..I got something to say about that…Harlem has always had fresh food…but…that’s just my thoughts…umm…and all Harlem Businesses..thanks..especially the ones that don’t throw away good food at night instead of donating it, claims to be conscious about recycling and actually does it..and whose “fresh food” is not always returned because it is rotten or old as if it came from another location

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