By HarlemGal for HarlemCondoLife
The construction site we first told you about awhile back, continues to make building progress in the lot right next to 67 Orange and two spaces away from the new restaurant opening soon on FDB! Today, at 2080 FDB they had the gates wide open! From the pics, they drilled fairly deep. It appears they are placing layers of concrete down along with those finder steal poles!
There goes another vacant lot to condos on FDB!. A lot is happening on and around this little blvd of ours in Harlem![youtube=]
this site will be a good help:
@Zane. At the moment, I do not have any of those details. If I come across them, I will certainly pass along!
Hello – do you have more info on 2078-2080 Frederick Douglass Boulevard? I’m looking for offering plans, lottery details if applicable, etc. Thanks.