Looking for a way to deal with alternate side parking? As parking on the streets of Harlem becomes increasingly more difficult, I decided to search for garages in the neighborhood. On the corner of St. Nicholas and Frederick Douglass Blvd. is Magic Parking LLC owned by Easy Cross Parking Corp. Their rates were definitely more reasonable than similar structures in the immediate area. Harlem Condo Life encourages you to check out this parking garage.
Opened 24hrs, 7 days/week
225 St. Nicholas Ave. and 122 St.
New York, NY 10027
Have you tried Prak 117th LLC? The entrance is on 118th St. between FDB & St. Nicholas Ave. This garage is owned by the same company that has a garage on 115th & FDB in the new condo.
Hey there – looking for a garage – any updated recommendations?
I am on w115th and FDB.