By NativeNewYorker
In the spring of 2007, the 100 Years Child Health Planning Project was launched to honor the 100th Anniversary of New York City’s Child Health Clinics. Led by the Commission for the Public’s Health System (CPHS), the aims of this coalition of community-based organizations are to celebrate the Child Health Clinics as an important model of preventive and primary health care for children and youth; and to develop a Child / Teen / Family Health Policy Agenda that will address the health care needs of New York City children and reflect the diversity of our city.
On Saturday, December 6th from 10:30 am to 2:00 pm, the Child Health Initiative is holding a “100 Years Blow-Out” at Windows Over Harlem in the Harlem State Office Building – 163 West 125th Street, at the corner of Adam Clayton Powell Boulevard.
This free event will feature Dr. Max Gomez, WCBS-TV’s Medical Correspondent, as well as entertainment, food, gifts for the kids and important information about the health needs of our community. If you would like to get involved, be sure to put December 6th on your calendar and remember to RSVP at 212-246-0803 or by email to
Check out the December 6th Blow-Out Flyer