Tag: google harlem
What cuisines would you like to see in Harlem?
HarlemGuy February 2, 2015
One of our favorite restaurants is Thai Market. They are adjacent to Harlem and deliver…
Harlem Condo Life (Review) Koko Wings – Manhattan Valley
HarlemMom May 1, 2014
My husband, daughter and I stopped by recently when we were looking for a place to…
Harlem’s Restaurant Row Goes Mobile – Here come the Foodtrucks!
HarlemGuy April 14, 2014
HarlemCondoLife is happy to see that “Harlem Restaurant Row” (the phrase, the concept, the place)…
Twitter’s Jack Dorsey feels the electricity of small business in Harlem
harlemcondolife February 8, 2014
Jack Dorsey (co-founder and co-creator of Twitter and founder and CEO of Square, a mobile…
Where To Celebrate in Harlem this New Years Eve 2014!
harlemhouse December 30, 2013
If you want to avoid all the overcrowded downtown clubs with tourists and long lines,…
Harlem Condo Life – “About Us” UPDATE
harlemcondolife January 9, 2013
About Us Harlem Condo Life is your gateway to Harlem. . We are a group of…
Announcing That Google Offers Beta Will Soon Deliver NYC Uptown Offerings
HarlemGuy June 20, 2011
By HarlemGuy. Google recently unveiled a beta version of a new tool called Google Offers…