By HarlemCondoLife
Did you know the cupcakes from Tonnie’s Minis located at 264 Lenox Avenue are now available at Bloomingdales? I learned this from this television report. That’s wonderful news for Tonnie and his fans. Fans and newcomers have two options to purchase cupcake treats. At Bloomies, you can get a California size cupcake or a mini, but if you can’t get to that gigantic department store for a delicious bite of a Tonnie’s Minis cupcake, don’t fret. The other options is to go to the boutique store in Harlem located at 123rd Street and Lenox Avenue.
I went there recently with a friend visiting from Africa. The place is so cute with a bright orange awning and it smells divine when you enter! The sweet smell exists due to the fact that the room is filled with so many cupcake options. If you want a grande cupcake with your choice of icing, no problem! They have it!
If you want a pequeno size or two, go with the mini! Of course, when my friend and I went to Tonnie’s, out of all the cupcakes we could have purchased, we went with the red velvet mini cupcake. Yum! Why break with tradition…right? Eating red velvet anything (cake or cupcake) is a natural tendency when you live in Harlem. Want to partake in this tendency? Head on over to Tonnie’s Minis by foot or on the 2/3 subway line! You will enjoy the cupcake experience as well as a nice and spacious walk along Lenox Avenue!
Tonnie’s Minis
264 Lenox Avenue (123 ST )
Harlem, NY 10027
T: 212-831- 5292/5293
The cupcakes are really good. That is a good look for them to be in Bloomingdales.
I am pleased that Tonnie’s is getting recognition.The work is truly artistic. Let’s do what we can to support this business
I can recommend, delicious, but needs more seating.
Wow! I go there all the time – and my art hangs in the back of their shop.
We here in Harlem can get a nice discount at Tonnie’s by purchasing The Power Of One card. It costs $1 and give us discounts at several participating Harlem businesses.